Oil is something that every individual uses in their daily lives for various purposes. Since the lockdown started, restaurants and hotels were closed for a long period of time. This led people to start to cook at their homes, which again led to an increase in the use of better-quality oils. Restaurants usually cannot afford cooking oils that have a high nutritional value. Hence the sales of sunflower oils have also gone up to a great extent during the last few months and the imports have reduced. This has eventually played a role in boosting of the economy of a country.
While talking about such oils, there are certain sunflower oil brands that might be considered before opting for one. Amongst different suppliers, it might be difficult to select one. Sunpride sunflower oil is considered to make the best sunflower oil which is rich in nutrients and is healthy for the physical being of an individual.
Benefits of sunflower oil:
Benefits by consumption:
A lot of people use this oil for cooking meals. The following are the impacts it has on the physical health of a person.
- Promotes a healthy heart
- Reduces bad cholesterol
- Boosts energy
- Strengthens immunity
- Improves digestion
- Reduces cancer risk
Other benefits:
- Good for skin
- Prevents hair-loss
- Makes the hair quality better
According to various studies, it has been said that 1 tablespoon of this oil contains 28% of a person’s daily intake of nutrients. Each of the above mentioned benefits have specific reasons behind it; however, not every sunflower oil brand contains all of the required nutrients for it to become a healthy oil for consumption. For starters, Sunpride sunflower oil contains special elements like mono unsaturated fats and oleic acids which will keep the heart fit. Moreover, the presence of vitamins A and D acting as anti oxidents leads to it being good for the skin. The non- greasy and light nature of this oil makes it beneficial for the hair too, which will soften the hair.
Sunpride sunflower oil comes in 4 types of consumer packages, which are:
- 15 litre/ 15 kg tin
- 15 kg Jar
- 5 litre/ 2 litre Jar
- 1 litre bottle/ pouch
The quality standards of this sunflower oil brand also match the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. The light and non-greasy texture of this oil also makes it easy to blend in with the flavours of the food items being prepared. All of this makes Sunpride the best sunflower oil brand and changes the entire lifestyle of people by making them fitter, physically as well as mentally.